© Paul Bradbury

Added Value for your projects

Added value

Our regional branches provide experienced specialists to support you in facing up to the specific challenges of your project. They are also able to deal with outstanding challenges and optimally cooperate in achieving the project’s success. This provides you with the complete know-how, experience and innovations of HOCHTIEF. That creates added value for your project.

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Work safety

Safely achieving objective

As a company with a sustainability policy, we assume responsibility – particularly for people who are committed to supporting us: our employees and those of our partner companies. We want to create ideal conditions for them. That is why one of our most important guiding principles is to guarantee the greatest possible occupational health and safety. This is firmly anchored in the HOCHTIEF Code of Conduct, and applies to all employees. When we are choosing subcontractors we already ensure compliance with statutory occupational safety and environmental protection. Companies that do not comply with our requirements are no longer taken into consideration in future contracts.


“During the almost 30 years I have been at HOCHTIEF, I have never yet experienced a serious work accident. And I am proud of this”

Oliver Leisinger, Senior Site Manager


Green Building—building sustainably and securing certification

There is a tradition of sustainability at HOCHTIEF, and it is one of our principles. For us, promoting the interplay between economy, ecology and social commitment is one of the most important factors for securing long-term success. From ecological/economic quality through to process quality—our experts know the decisive factors for securing every certificate we want to obtain and for increasing efficiency. Even when we are not trying to obtain a certificate, every real estate project benefits from our sustainable attitude—starting with environmentally compatible disposal and recycling of building waste right through to sophisticated building technology concept.


„We actively manage the sustainable flow of the planning and construction process of your project until the handover of the certificate.“

Christian Kemper, Green Building Manager

HOCHTIEF has been practicing active environment and sustainability management since the early 1990s and is a member of various different organizations, whose standards it complies with. Read more about this here.

Quality Management

Top quality is important for us

Quality is a term which many of our clients associate with HOCHTIEF. It includes transparency, efficiency, safety, sustainability and building quality.

We use a sophisticated management system as the basis for working with stable, transparent processes. In order to continually further improve, we document our work, evaluate workflows and use the appropriate adjustment mechanisms. Checked and selected proposals for changes are continually adopted within the course of our management system.

“Without quality there is no client satisfaction and without client satisfaction there is no entrepreneurial success! The foundation upon which everything is based is our tried-and-tested management system.”

Stefan Rudloff, Head of Quality Management

We also take into account clients’ requirements in accordance with DIN ISO 14001, SCC or with regard to own quality management requirements. This enables us to cooperate with you in systematically securing the quality of construction, so that defects can be ruled out as far as possible.

We also involve qualified partners in projects at an early stage, harmonize services and establish standards for subcontractor and supplier management. This also applies to compliance HOCHTIEF regulations. Subcontractors and suppliers are obligated to comply with our management system and are integrated into the project workflows.

MEP expertise

Technology specialists for highest aspirations in building installations

Nowadays most building projects are characterized by a great amount of technology. Consequently, the costs for the technical building installations (MEP) of a building now often account for more than a third of overall costs. Here not only high energy efficiency plays a role but also safety and security aspects (fire alarm systems, access controls), comfort requirements (building controlling, BUS systems) as well as optimization of operating costs.

“Own specialists for the technical building installations ensure project success, not only in the design phase but also in the execution phase.”

Jürgen Mühlen, Head of the Technical Office, MEP

The commissioning of the building with complex fire protection and measurement and control systems is therefore important for a successful completion and handing over of your project.

In our teams, we have own specialists for all aspects and trades of the technical building installations (MEP) not only for the design phase but also for the execution and commissioning phase. HOCHTIEF Building also has its own Competence Center MEP for working out alternative solutions and securing quality while taking into account the continuing development of state-of-the-art technology.

BIM expertise

Building Information Modeling—more than just designing and more than just modeling

The future for increasingly complex projects is Building Information Modeling (BIM)—a working method for designing and realizing construction projects, which is based on the active networking of everyone involved in construction. In future, there will only be a few projects that are not realized with BIM. In the UK, Denmark and the Netherlands BIM is already on the way to becoming standard for public construction projects. Because the advantages are obvious: Construction risks can be recognized earlier with BIM, projects can be better managed when all participants operate at the same level, and budgets and time schedules consequently remain better on track. As a modern working technique, BIM will not only make project controlling easier but also facilitate cooperation in the operating phase.

“For me Building Information Modeling is the right approach. Good preparation and continually usable data create added value for all project participants.”

Melanie Müller, BIM coordinator

HOCHTIEF is one of the pioneers in Building Information Modeling and is excellently prepared with its BIM expertise. We would be glad to prepare an individual BIM service package for you. Our BIM product and service spectrum includes 3D modeling right through to linking and preparing additional information (deadlines, costs and bill of quantities). It covers the complete life cycle of your property. This enables us to minimize risks together, and this increases your competitiveness.


More profitability without compromising on quality

We pay great attention to the procurement of materials and services. All requirements placed on products and materials, execution, quality, service, deadlines and costs are bundled in procurement and stipulated in contracts with suppliers and subcontractors in accordance with project requirements. Procurement consequently plays a key role in project execution: The efficiency and quality of processes are very important for success.

“We are constantly active in the market. We aspire to be highly competitive with fair conditions.”

Maxi Kubitzke, Head of Procurement at the Berlin branch

At HOCHTIEF, the prime focus is on decentralized project business: our buyers support the projects on site and are hence an integral part of the respective project team. Sharing know-how and utilizing synergies—in the whole of procurement, we place great value on a well-functioning network. This ensures an intensive penetration of not only the regional markets but also the national and international markets.

Sustainability is an important issue for HOCHTIEF and is firmly anchored in our procurement strategy. Procurement is consequently one of the six sustainability focus areas at HOCHTIEF

Value Engineering

Creating transparent foundations—making better decisions

Our experts from numerous construction-related disciplines enable a new perspective of your project and develop alternatives for saving time and money or reducing capacities. This enables you to secure transparent and high-quality decision-making bases for your project.

In this way, we help you to reduce risks and avoid wrong decisions.

Our Value Engineering is based on the experience of our specialists in all aspects of planning, construction, financing and operation. Value Engineering can be used in every project phase. We naturally achieve the biggest success in the early phases of the project when the ideas for your investment take shape.

“Our alternative proposals resulting from Value Engineering have convinced our clients, because in the end the project was simply better.”

Christoph Breimann, Head of the Technical Office

Value Engineering is applied holistically at HOCHTIEF Building. But we can also focus on investigating individual aspects, such as technical building installations, the facade or construction logistics, and make proposals on how the same quality and functionality can be achieved with reduced effort and expenditure. In this way, we create added value for your project.

Special contract models

Your requirement—our flexibility

With our business models based on partnership we have already sustainably altered the construction market since 2005. We offer you a wide choice of contract alternatives: This enables us, for instance, to share project risks with our clients just as fairly as economic benefits derived from a shorter construction time. Transparency and frankness enable additional, alternative contact models.

“Good planning is decisive for every project. And just as important is cooperation based on partnership right from the outset as well as clear mutual objectives.”

Beate Cornils, Project Manager

We are also glad to advise you on how to choose the right construction contract, which is ideally tailored to the requirements of your project.

Types of contract:

  • Unit price contract
  • Cost + Fee
  • Fixed Price Contract
  • Functional—Fixed Price Contract
  • Two-Stage Contract PreConstruction and Construction (PreFair)