
Preliminary award of Zuidasdok project to HOCHTIEF, Fluor and Heijmans

Contract for transportation project worth EUR 990 million in Amsterdam region

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The Zuidasdok project is awarded preliminarily to the Zuidplus joint venture of the companies HOCHTIEF, Fluor and Heijmans. Among others, the contract includes the widening and partial tunneling of the A10 South motorway, and expansion of the Amsterdam South station. The design and construction contract is worth approximately EUR 990 million (including seven years’ maintenance of the tunnels) of which HOCHTIEF and Fluor each have a share of 42.5% and Heijmans 15%. Zuidasdok is a joint project by the City of Amsterdam, ProRail and Rijkswaterstaat.

The widening of the A10, of the “De Nieuwe Meer” and “Amstel” junctions, and construction of the new Amsterdam South station are required to create accessibility to the Zuidas district. The partial tunneling will create new public spaces and improve quality of life in the area. Space will also be created for the new Amsterdam South station, making it a high-quality public transportation hub.

Award of the final contract is expected to be in mid-February. In the following re-baseline phase, further details of the project will be defined together with the client. Construction will commence in mid-2019, with project completion being scheduled for 2028.

In addition to the ongoing construction and expansion of the A1/A6 south of Amsterdam, the planned project award to the joint venture is a further milestone for HOCHTIEF in its positioning on the growing Dutch infrastructure market.